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  • Writer's pictureChris Stinson

Overcome Cold Calling Anxiety

When cold calling new prospects, everybody gets anxious from time to time. You worry that you are interrupting people's lives and you're not doing a good job, or worse yet, they'll think you are an idiot for bothering them with something so trivial as selling their product. But the truth is, most of us have been on both sides of this equation at one point in our careers. We've had salespeople call us up and pitch their services or products.

If you choose a career in sales, cold calling is part of the job and can also make you a lot of money. However, if you want to succeed in sales, it helps if you know how to deal with rejection when making calls.

Here Are The Top 5 Ways To Overcome Cold Calling Anxiety.

1) Do Your Research - Before you make any calls, research who you want to talk to. Research the company and how your service or product and improve their current situation. The research will help you feel more confident because you already understand what problems they face. By knowing these things, you won't sound like just another salesman trying to sell themselves.

2) Become an expert about your product and your market. What problems does your service or product solve? How many other companies offer similar solutions? Have you done extensive research into the competition? These questions should give you some insight into why someone would buy your solution instead of theirs. It may even inspire ideas for additional features or benefits that could entice customers to switch over.

3) Practice makes perfect. You can practice talking over the phone with a mirror. Then practice with friends, family members, or co-workers. Make sure you know what you need to say before you start dialing. Finally, record yourself saying your script out loud and listen back to see where you might need improvement.

4) Take several deep breaths and focus on how you are helping your prospect. Think about why you would love working with that person, and then try to imagine yourself having a great conversation with them.

5) Remember That Everybody Has Bad Days And Nobody Is Perfect. Even though you may feel anxious while speaking to potential clients, remember that everyone feels stressed sometimes. Just because somebody isn't interested doesn't mean they hate you or thinks you suck.

In sales, you will face a lot of rejection; it is just part of the job. Getting anxious before cold calling prospects is something that happens to everybody. However, by following these tips above, you should be able to overcome your fear and become more successful in your sales career.

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