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  • Writer's pictureChris Stinson

Is it possible to hire passive “A” player sales talent in an unstable market?

Is it possible to hire passive “A” player sales talent in an unstable market?

I recently read an article, link in the comments, that addresses hiring passive candidates in the current market we are experiencing.

Passive candidates usually have their heads down, knocking it out of the park and not whining about the economy. They don’t have time to cruise the job boards.

But where do you find passive candidates?

There are several places, but the best by far is right here on LinkedIn.

As a recruiter, LinkedIn is the first place that I look when searching for candidates.

My best candidates almost always come from LinkedIn, and most of the time, they are not in the market for a new position.

If they hear of an intriguing opportunity, they will listen, but getting their attention can be challenging.

You have to treat passive candidates as you would selling into a new account.

They have to be pursued and have a good reason to take a call or interview.

You have to sell them the value proposition of the opportunity.

🚫 Not a boring job description.

Once you get them on your team, they will make you look like a superstar.

Take the time to find the best fit for the position.

Your sales leadership career will be better for it.

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