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  • Writer's pictureChris Stinson

2021: Year of The Great Resignation

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Do you remember 2020? Well, yes--how could we possibly forget it anytime in the future. It was definitely a year to remember.

As America is rebounding and recovering from the Covid 19 Pandemic, we are about to see a huge transition in the job market.

In a recent survey, 40% of employees claimed they are ready for a job change. Why are so many employees looking for a change as we leave the Covid Pandemic in the rear view? There are several possible reasons as listed below:

  • Better money.

Companies have many qualified candidates on the market and want to get them hired fast.

  • Change in job environment.

Some people don’t want to ever go back into the office again, while others are ready to go back into the office, but their office is preferring to remain virtual or remote.

  • Specialized recruiters offering better opportunities.

With 9.3 million open jobs on the market, companies are using specialized firms/recruiters to help fill their positions.

  • Employees ready to “hang up” a career.

Many people are realizing after the challenging year we have had, the job they were holding may not be the path they wish to remain on, or they simply might be “burned out”.

How can you, as a sales leader, prepare for the future? Here are a few ideas.

  • Get rid of people that may be bringing your team down or not promoting success and positivity.

  • Revise your hiring procedures to get candidates hired faster.

  • Increase your compensation plans for new hires.

  • Compensate your current team members for all their hard work and to show appreciation, as they have worked through one of the most challenging times in our lives. You want to retain your top-players.

  • Call in specialized recruiters and/or firms to help you recruit the best of the best.

2021 and beyond can be your most successful years yet. These job market transitions should not scare you, but instead help you change your mindset and focus and to set you and your business up for growth, expansion, and success.

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